How Perry Forensic Helped Identify Fraud and Create Safer Policies
When procedures, protocols and policies are abused by employees of an organization, it puts that organization at risk for fraud, financial loss, safety threats, and in worst case situations, total ruin. For government agencies that have a duty to the public, managing risks that could lead to corruption is especially important. Perry Forensic was contacted by one of the largest counties in West Virginia to conduct an independent investigation into possible criminal and policy violations of a long tenured upper management employee.
As this case related to impropriety by a senior leader of the organization, accuracy and discretion were key. The investigation involved both forensic accounting and general investigation. Which revealed both criminal and administrative violations by the senior leader. Perry Forensic, a world leader in financial investigative services, immediately got to work.
The Perry Forensic team first helped the government entity identify gaps in policy that allowed for impropriety to occur, and provided assisted assistance in refining existing policies. Perry Forensic also helped the organization develop new policies based on the findings of the investigation that would help reduce the threat of impropriety or policy violation in the future. These results and solutions were provided to the county prosecutor for further review.
The county was very pleased with the discreet method Perry Forensic conducted the investigation and the quality of the work product. While this is still an open investigation, they are confident that the areas of improvement identified, as well as the updated and new policies, will reduce the risk of future threats and protect the organization.
Do you suspect policy violations at your place of business?
Then contact Perry Forensic and let’s get to the bottom of any financial wrongdoing.